Sunday, February 13, 2011

Review: The Winter One Act Festival.

Alright, so this will not be your typical review considering I was in this quarter's One Act Festival. Consider it to be more of a reflection on the whole process. Get ready for some existential stuff.

I love being in productions. I love being in small productions. I love having a cast I get to know well, and being able to work collectively on something about which we are all equally passionate. Because I love performing. I love acting and being able to retreat into a character's life for a while.

When you are an actor playing a role, there are certain parameters set by the script and nature of the show - but the rest is up to you. It can be fun and light; at other times, it is trying and painful. It all depends on the character and how the actor relates to the character. An actor goes on a journey to discover the life of the character; to discover him- or herself in the character. It is very much a symbiotic process - equal parts actor and character; equal parts collected and inspired.

The one act "Idols" deals with the French Revolution - very pertinent at this time, what with the revolution occurring in Egypt. It is all about the quest of people to gain their freedom, but asks the question: at what cost? My character lost her husband in the cause of liberty - and exploring her inner-workings was quite a task for someone as young and naive as I. Other actors faced similar challenges, so we spent a lot of time developing our characters and our characters' relationships with each other. A character is a constantly evolving, so it was a process from the beginning to the closing show today. At the end of the show, a cast would always like to think that it did not only a satisfactory job of conveying our characters genuinely, but that the audience was touched by this authenticity.

The cast.

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