Thursday, February 3, 2011

The art of architecture.

You might not be thinking about it, but chances are that if you are reading this, you are surrounded by a work of art. Yes, I'm talking about the very building in which you are probably seated at this very moment.

Architecture is, indeed, an art and, like any artform, it varies. Buildings differ in purpose, in aesthetic and style... and, like other art pieces, give as a little glimpse into the time period of their origin. Those of us who live in the Bay Area are so accustomed to contemporary American architecture of our time - modern with clean lines. Living here in Santa Clara allows us, however, to take a little peak into the past - aren't those historic Victorian homes gorgeous?

One of the best things about studying abroad in Italy was the architecture, because those big, beautiful, and in some cases, thousand-year-old structures, are quite literally everywhere! Perhaps those who live in Europe would not be taken aback by some of these buildings because to them, they seem commonplace. As for me, however, I was not about to take them for granted!

I want to share with you all a few photos of various structures around Italy that I was able to visit during my time abroad. Most of them are from Florence, where I studied, but you will notice a few images from Assisi, Venice and Rome. Enjoy!

More of the beautiful buildings of Italy here.

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