Friday, February 4, 2011

The Body as Art

The human body can do amazing things. Everything from walking, to sitting, to running, to jumping, the body can do it all.


Dance simply pushes the body to take these normal, everday actions, and distort and extend them to look different and unique. It's inspiring to see people who have spent their lives cultivating their bodies as the instruments of their art. For artists such as dancers, mimes, acrobats, their bodies are the medium through which they express their art, thoughts, emotions.


It's exhilarating to stand in front of an audience full of people and have nothing but your body to move and contort in order to communicate a message through. And the great thing is, it does not matter if the audience interprets the movements of your body exactly how you intended them to. Instead the audience is free to connect with what they relate to in the movement, the shapes they discern for themselves or the beat or pulse or any other element of the movement of the body.


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