Friday, January 14, 2011

Introduction: Grace.

Hi! I’m Grace and I love art. As far as my involvement with it, I am a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. I have been a performer for as long as I can remember – I act and sing, but for all of our sakes, I try to stay far away from dancing. Five or so years ago, I became more interested in visual arts – specifically photography, around which I have established a sort of amateur career of sorts. I used to be bitter that I could not draw or paint for the life of me, but being able to set up a good photograph seems to make up for that fact. While photo is one of my biggest passions, I am also crazy about good graphic design, illustration and web design (that’s why my first order of business on this blog was to tackle the HTML and CSS coding to create something a little more aesthetically-pleasing). I am a firm believer in the idea that art is everywhere. I look forward to the coming weeks, throughout which I intend to bring to this blog posts about everything from street art to high art, from theatre to dance, from do-it-yourself-projects to simple snapshots of the beauty of this world. :]

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