Saturday, January 15, 2011

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hello All!

My name is Jaz, a senior at Santa Clara University studying Art History. This is my first blog, which is both exciting and a bit nerve racking. Basically, I want to share with all of you my passion for visual art. When I started taking Art History I began to understand not only the emotional power of art to relate to people at a primitive level, but also how great works can reveal interesting things about society - past and present. I love art from all time periods, areas of the world, and styles; studying the history of art has really shown me a variety of different types of art that I am excited to share with you. I also work for an artist at SCU, and so I am able to stay quasi-on top of the modern art scene. Ultimately, I hope my posts help you see art in a different light - or on realer level, that at least you find the works entertaining and fresh!

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