Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Three keys to a good audition.

The livelihood of a performer depends on his or her ability to deliver a good audition. Even if you're not an actor, dancer or singer, we all should be aware of how to impress potential employers. Here's a few tips on how to do so!

1. Be prepared. In addition to having the necessary materials ready - your resume, your headshot, your audition pieces - also be aware of the show for which you are auditioning. Know the show, its demands, and what you can contribute to it.

2. Confidence is key! Also important is the idea of faking it til you make it - you seem unsure of whether or not you are a great candidate for a certain job, your potential employer will feel the exact same way. Don't be overly ambitious, however - just be realistic about what you are able to do and really sell them on it!

3. Be the best version of yourself. Others will best receive you when you are comfortable in your own skin. :]

Now get out there and break a leg!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This weekend in photos.

See the rest of dancer Katie's headshots here.

See the rest of actor Kathryn's headshots here.

See the rest of playwright Bezachin's headshots here.